Well today,i went to a BM seminar with my schoolmate at UM(University Malaya).
Wake up around 6.15 am something and take a bath.
After that,father wake up and fetch me go to school...(thx papa^^)
When i reach at the school gate,some of them are waiting at there already....
so,i wave "Hi" to them and they laugh at me(what's the matter)
Take a sit and i start to chat with them about the Education Fair where we went yesterday.....
Anyway,the bus suppose to take us to UM at 7.15am but then dont know what's wrong with the driver...and the bus start the engine at 7.30am...
Something's wrong with the bus driver.Don't mention it!!!
We reach UM between 7.30-8.00 , i guess.
We register our name and for direction to the Seminar hall....
From outside you can see is a quite small building,but inside quite wide space...
After all settle already,The 1st section begin at 8.30am gua....
The 1st section is talk about essays and those tecnique "how to write "A Good Essays"
After that is our breakfast and we have "Fried Bihun" and "TEH-O" ..Taste good lar compare to our school one's...
Section which is the - "KOMSAS" section....( i like this one^^)
The lecturer's attitue quite funny when he is having those explanation....so we won't be so bored
After the 2nd section is our lunch.We have
::::"nasi briyani with chilli sos gravy chicken"(i think is lar),2 slice of watermelon and a bottle of mineral water....haiz~~~
After eating and pee-ing...go inside again for 3rd Section--------The "TATABAHASA" section!!
This lady lecturer is also a well manners lecturer.She use those relaxing ways to explain and tell jokes to us ....Is fun and happy if those 3 lecturer come to my school to teach...hehe^^
Forgot to mention,inside the hall is very cold and luckily i listen to the advice,"PLEASE BRING ALONG YOUR SWEATER OR JACKET"
We have tea break at 5pm and they give "Currypuff and Malay version doughnut"
Finish aledi,go back in to the hall again to have the last section which is the "RUMUSAN"
Bla....bla....bla....and we finish at 6.30pm~~FINALLY my ass is free without those flat wooden chair...haha!!!When going back home,i sit with **Kah Herng** and chat a lot of things...nice to chat with him though~~^^
We reach school at 7.15pm and i company Zi Hui,Kah Herng,Yuen Teng,Kok Wai,Zi Ying and Jia Ying to wait their Taxi and parents to come.
All of them go back and left us both(Me and Zi Hui)!!So i company Zi Hui to wait for her brother to come but she ask me to go back 1st...After saying Bye to her, i call my father to fetch me back.....
I'll stop here Amigas....see you guys next time
There are some "unknown by them pictures" that i snap during the Seminar::
Let the pictures do the talking....hehe