Monday, May 2, 2011

My birthday~

I'm 19 now~
I had a full day Birthday 3 rounds of birthday celebration!!!
I'm tired,but in the meanwhile,i'm happy and still happy :D :D
Thanks to all the wishes from you guys,my primary school friends,secondary school friends,college friends,FB friends,teachers,seniors,juniors and NS friends.....
Thanks for Wen Yen,Lee Chin and Zi Hui for the lunch at Chili's and accompany me watch as celebration~ :D
Thanks for Ying Jie,Phei Sze,Soo Yee,Choy Yeng and Yong Wei for the celebration at Padi House I <3 the cake!!! :P
Last but not least,thanks to my primary school friends, Sher Ben,Yong Han,Sze Man and Guan Li for wishing me and accompany me too~~haha
thanks Y'all~